SITE / (UA #32 - Universale di Architettura - Diretta da Bruno Zevi).
SITE - De-architetturizzazione Progetti e Teorie 1969-1978
(SITE - De-architecturization Projects and Theories 1969-1978).
Dedalo Libri, Bari, Italy, 1979.
Italian Monograph on the New York-based architectural wiseacres.
In ITALIAN (Only Project Names in English).
Index Titles (translated to english):
- SITE: Description of the organization
- Notes on dis-architecture
- SITE: Short story (1969-1978)
- Projects of SITE
- Current group SITE
- Project sheet
- Photographic references
- Publications "On SITE"
- Articles and critical writings published by SITE
- Books that report SITE projects
- Articles on SITE
Mass-Market Paperback, B&W Photos and Illus., 112 pages, 7" x 4 1/2".
In Very Good condition with general shelf wear and old price sticker.
SKU: E0204.